Patient Stories

John W’s 70lb Weight Loss

before and after of weight loss patient, John, 70 pounds of weight loss

My story starts around age 24. An athlete in high school, 5’8” 160 lbs. and in good shape, I never worried about what I ate because I was continually active. I was always on the move going to practice grabbing a quick snack, then off to play basketball or hockey in the driveway. Eat a big dinner go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. It wasn’t until I was married that life’s activities slowed down. I was still on the go but it was usually to a restaurant or the movies with my wife. Eat a big dinner etc…you get the picture.

Before I knew it, things were out of control. I was out of breath going up the stairs, my knees hurt, I couldn’t enjoy my outdoor hobbies. I literally couldn’t do the things I loved anymore.

By 2007, I developed a list of health problems that have a common denominator: OBESITY. What an ugly word. Looking at myself, I never would say I was obese, but I was. I guess I just didn’t want to admit it. I had an auto-immune blood disorder, acute atrial fibrillation, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure. To be honest, I am surprised there wasn’t more. After seven years more of dealing with doctors I was up to nearly 300 pounds. I was on all kinds of medication and had to undergo three Cardiac ablations to try to correct the atrial fib. I felt hopeless. The doctors kept telling me I needed to lose weight, if I wanted to feel better but no one offered any help. The last straw was my Electro Physiologist pushing me toward Bariatric surgery. He told me there was no way I could lose the weight without it. Secretly, I was considering it. It seemed like an ‘easy fix’ at the time.

Things changed for me when a co-worker was bold enough to tell me about her success with Dr. Scinta at Medical Weight Loss. I looked into it and consulted with my Cardiologist who agreed I should give it a try. I thought, “Do I really want to live with a gastric bypass?” The answer was emphatically, NO! I wanted my life back. So I made the choice to go to the consultation. I have never felt more at ease in a Doctor’s office. During the consult, I was shown all the options that I could choose to reach my goals, but the most comforting thing were the words “we’ll be with you every step of the way.” Somehow, that gave me the confidence that I could do this and finally see real results. So on December 3rd 2014, my journey to health began.

I weighed in at 295lbs with a Fat Mass of 150 lbs. – 5 ½ months later, I am at 225 lbs. with a Fat Mass of 73lbs. My blood pressure medication has been reduced by 75% and I anticipate I’ll be off of it soon. I am 40 lbs. from my goal and have all the confidence in the world I will reach it. The support from the staff at Medical Weight Loss is what keeps me going. I feel younger and stronger and for the first time in a long time, healthy.

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  1. JT

    John I remember your consult well! You seemed so nervous to have hope for yourself. What a change! I’m so happy for you, and know you’ll keep going strong. Awesome job! JT

  2. Sam

    Wow John, you have done a phenomenal job thus far. The courage and determination amazes me. Keep up
    the great work!

  3. Talia

    This is awesome John. Glad that I could be apart of your journey to SUCCESS !

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