Patient Stories

Maggie’s 50 lb Weight Loss

before and after photo of weight loss patient, Maggie, who lost 50 pounds

You’ve heard this story LOTS of times. Slowly, the pounds “hung on” and before you know it I had gained 50 lbs. more than my average weight. So when I went for my yearly physical, my doctor said “you should lose weight” and used the term “obese”. WOW! That made an impression. Fine! But does anyone sit down and REALLY tell you how? A friend of mine invited me to one of Dr. Scinta’s informational meetings and here I am seven years later.

I like Dr. Scinta’s process of a good physical check-up first to rule out any major medical issues or barriers to weight loss. She discovered that I had a “fatty liver” and needed to change my eating habits. I also discovered that with a certain amount of weight gain you tend to be “pre-diabetic.” So I opted for the partial OPTIFAST plan for 3 months. I met with the nutritionist, which was one of the most helpful supports offered. No one ever told me how much protein or carbs my body needed or how to read labels, and the really big one was portion control. Keeping a journal of what you eat is another biggie. I think sometimes we don’t realize how much we do eat, and are we really hungry? My big lesson there is that it’s not what I want; it is what my body needs. I had made up my mind that I needed to do this for me.

The weight came off steadily and I started to use the treadmill in the basement. I even brought products to Florida with me when I visited my son. Within the three months I had lost the 50 lbs. and felt really great. Clothes fit well and I had gone down four sizes. Now the real test is to keep it off! I know that I cannot go back to old eating habits. I have to be aware of what and when I eat, exercise and drink lots of water. I have to keep myself honest and continue to see Dr. Scinta for weight management in order to do that. And if you were to get to know her, you would be looking forward to seeing her. Friends and family have been very supportive throughout the whole process as well as Dr.Scinta’s staff. They really do feel like family, a very caring one.

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1 Comment

  1. Sam


    You are one of our maintenance queens. It is your determination that keeps you on track. Keep up the great work and continue to be the great role model that you are.

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