When Exercise Isn’t Enough
It wasn’t until I saw a picture of myself completing my 8th marathon in June 2012, that I realized I was overweight.
I knew, as each year went by, I felt more lethargic, without energy most of the time and an increasing awareness that running – my favorite sport – was becoming more difficult (something I was not willing to face). In September 2012, my referral to a breast cancer surgeon for a breast biopsy (I thank God that I was given a clean bill of health as far as the biopsy went) was a further blessing in disguise. I shared my frustration with training for marathons and triathlons each summer and still gaining weight during the visit. The surgeon referred me to Dr. Wendy Scinta.
I called Dr. Scinta’s office the next week and scheduled a time to visit for a program overview. Everyone was friendly and the information presented very straight forward. I began the process of starting the program on December 1, 2012.
I was determined not to let the holiday season defer me from starting. With the help of group meetings and an easy to follow program, I made it through my first month. I continued to go to holiday parties and even went on a 12 – day cruise through New Year’s Day. Instead of dessert or a meal, I would pull out my handy protein shakes and/or bars and consume them in restaurants or wherever the day would take me.
Surprisingly enough, the most terrifying part of the program, for me, was being told that it was time for me to eat regular food again. But with the encouragement of the staff at each weekly visit, Dr. Scinta and the on staff nutritionist (who literally will show you what to eat each step of the way), I made the transition.
I ran my 9th marathon in June of this year at my goal weight! Although, I did not beat my personal best, I came pretty darn close. And today, I continue to log every meal that I eat and will continue to participate in the maintenance program with Medical Weight Loss of New York. I am eternally thankful to Dr. Scinta and all of the staff at Medical Weight Loss of New York. Everyone there, including fellow patients, are supportive every step of the way. They genuinely care about your health. I consider all of them part of a unique family of friends, whom I will never forget. From advice about powdered peanut butter, to motivational books to read, to sharing personal challenges with fellow patients, it has been a memorable experience of constructive self-discovery. I share all of this to encourage anyone overweight or struggling with weight loss to consider this program. I am thankful to God for my weight loss and placing Dr. Wendy Scinta and the staff of Medical Weight Loss of New York in my path.
Sheri- You look great!! The rose garden picture is beautiful. Continue to keep up the great motivation and keep on running!! 🙂
Sheri, You vibrant spirit and personality as well as your outlook on life has been a huge part of your weight loss success !! CONGRATS!