Over the past 8-9 months I have been working with Medical Weight Loss of NY in Dewitt to get my testosterone back in balance. As older men we lose our stored up testosterone, and I really felt it. I was battling some depression, had a short fuse, and was a little tired most of the time. Women have had hormone injections/supplements for years, and I sure am glad we realize that lots of men need testosterone supplements too.
I received my first testosterone implant at MWL and after a few weeks I could feel myself getting back to the old me. I found new motivation at work, and have started numerous projects that had gone by the wayside, because I was just a little too tired to get them started. I am fortunate that I had a friend of mine who is also involved with some testosterone therapy tell me about it. I started to research it, and boy am I glad I did.
I couldn’t recommend this any higher. And we are so lucky to have Medical Weight Loss of NY to guide me through the process so that it fits my needs. Thanks MWL you’ve really helped me enjoy my Empty nester years, thanks.
– Steve
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